Thursday, January 26, 2012
The X says it all
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Another moment of blunder
I broke your heart and all I could ever say was sorry. Cooped up in my room, wild thoughts running through my mind. The fear of you growing tired of my mistakes then leave me if someone better comes along. So many what ifs that can literally drive me crazy.
Fairytales never exist but I'm thankful to have fallen in love with you. You're the only one whose love is so surreal. You kept your promise when you said you'd never leave. Thank you. I don't make promises but believe me, there's no room for anyone else in this tiny heart of mine.
I don't want to destroy what we share all these years. I thought it's best I leave but I know it's not easy to stay away. Just for a moment, look into my eyes and trust me. If you only knew what I'm willing to give.
I love you dearly.
love nad
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
I have found him.
Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
Have you ever tell yourself it's dangerous to fall so deep in love?
We all have and we still take the risk.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Kept in the dark
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Brighter than sunshine
I had my happy pills on such a beautiful Saturday. Seeing John and Chantelle was enough to lift my spirits up. Speaking of which, I'm hyped up about our next meeting already! :D
Despite the scorching sun, we were pretty determined to carry on with picnic. I'm so glad we did because we had an amazing time. And of course, at such a pretty setting like this, having heart to heart talks are the best.

At the later part of the day, met the family for dinner. A great ending to a perfect Saturday. :)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
Brand new start to a brand new year.
My point is I've gotten my results and I am so thankful. :) On another note, dear boyfriend has gotten his driving license and of course, that calls for a celebration! :D
Can't wait for weekend <3
love nad
Thursday, January 5, 2012
So it's 2012!

And last but not least, my companion <3 My boyfriend looks so good-looking in here :) I don't want to sound cheesy and I know 'You're my best' is really common but heck, that's what couples in love would say right? But just for Ashiq, I am so thankful for your presence and unconditional love. Thank you for all your support and for all the achievements you've made this year, I am really proud of you baby. :)
Now that it's 2012, it's a big year. I'm graduating come June and I can't wait to finally say I'm out of Uni. As for now, I'm so sick of studying. I know I shouldn't even feel sick with books just yet because I still have one final major thesis to work on. I want to travel, to explore, and to live life freely. I feel sorry for myself to poke this fantasy bubble of mine because I have a working bond right after I graduate. Sigh. So much for travelling. :(