Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Love. It's unconditional.Learn to appreciate.
1) Joel. I love you boyfriend. Thank you for all these years.
2) Dee. Bestfriend, thank you for your love. I never stop loving you.
3) Ama. Bestfriend, stay strong. We're always here for you. I really love you.
4) Sya. Though it's only a year plus, I really treasure you. Love you darling. Stay strong.
5) Haikel. Bestfriend, I love you. I'm sorry I've never been there for you.
6) Zakir. It's been years. I really love you. You make me smile friend.
7) Khai. I don't know what to say to you. I miss you.
8) Oli, you've always been here for me. Every single day, you'd look me up. Thank you. I love you.
9) Fessie. Come back to Singapore already! I want your hug.
10) Stanven. You big head. Never fail to make me smile.
11) Fit. Bro, we drifted apart. I just want you to know I really miss you.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Awesome Sunday!
I haven't been a good friend to Sya and it hurts so bad. It's seriously depressing. I really hope things would turn out fine for her. I admire her for her strength when times are down. Sya, I really love you. I'm sorry I haven't been there :(
J would honestly be my no 1. I mean, are you seriously taken aback? No matter how much of a douchebag he is, his advantages overwrite his disadvantages. And I can't bring myself to say no to him. That sucks. I've not been meeting him since forever and yes, I'm fucking unhappy about it. But oh well, let him have his life and I'll have mine. F.
Anyway, I have been hanging out with the bestfriend a lot these days. And yay! Surprise admission to F1! Thank you, thank you very nice! I love you so mutcha!
Momentary Phase.
Me : You know I'm always here for you.
Him : I know.
Me : What's wrong? Tell me?
Him : I like her so much.
Me : Go tell her.
Him : No. I've tried. She won't like me.
Me : Don't give up. And she must be crazy. You're amazing.
Him : I just want her to know how I feel.
Me : Then go tell her.
Him : What should I say?
Me : Tell her how much you like her.
Him : She'll hate me for that. She claims she loves her boyfriend but she deserves better.
Me : Don't be sad. She'll love you. You're amazing.
Him : I'm always with her. I really love her. But, I don't think she likes me.
Me : I know how you feel. I have the same problem.
Him : Wait, who do you like?
Me : J, my boyfriend.
Him : Oh him.
Me : So are you going to tell her?
Him : I just did.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Push me further and I'll vanish.
J, text me something new. I'd be a lot happier I swear.
"Sweet, text me later. I'm busy."
And your later takes forever J.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I managed to keep this bunch quiet for 2 periods, so kudos to me. I see myself getting better at this. Awesome.
My table's cool. And underneath it, girls, you're so going to love it. The shoes. Heaven.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Too little's always too much and too much's always too little.
I never really understood why J and I don't make a big hu-ha on our special day. It just gets overly....annoying.
Anyways, Zach asked me out today. I thought it'd be cool and who gives a fuck for anniversary when J's too busy with...god knows what. Too much time it's almost ridiculous. Like how it's almost midnight and he has yet to call to check on me. Awesome. I don't get half the things J do. I don't even know why I bother trying. I'm just superly fucked up and still wondering why I'm spending my anniversary with Zach.
But a thing about Zach, he loves looking into my eyes and he goes, "From the first time I saw you 6 years ago till this moment, you're still beautiful. My feelings are gushing back like flood."
And I've always hated this part right here coz I'm aware, I'm not beautiful.
"J, do you even miss me like how i miss you?"
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mama, I've got 2 As and 4 Bs. Can?
Fuck the results? Pretty much yes. 2 As and 4 Bs.
Blame me on my frequent night outs. F off now. Disappointed much.
But still, here's a thank you to you God, coz I seriously thought I'd repeat modules.
And of course, to my baby Anizah, congratulations baby! Now, you gotta push me the next semester. Our final match.
J, tomorrow's our special day. Have I mentioned how my heart throbs when you turn to your friends and say, "She's the one."
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
And they say chocolates are lovelier than boys.
Monday, September 21, 2009
2nd day and fuck.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
It's 1st day and I want it to end already.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Yesterday, I was Ms Nadzirah. Today, I'm a Cikgu.
Teaching is tiring. Taking it seriously? No way. And today, I made a new discovery. My malay's effing screwed. I can't speak Bahasa Baku for nuts and I kept turning to English for help. Right, my bed's calling. Bye.
Oh ya, J, I'm totally in love with you. Surprising much hon? Yes, you read this.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Existence of karma.
I went through hell this morning. The primary 6; hooligans. Whatever I did to those relief teachers in my secondary school years, I'm truly remorseful. Because in today's human situation, I feel like shooting the little hooligans, one by one.
Tomorrow's another day. Afternoon session. Thank god. J's gonna be a sweetheart and fetch Miss Nadzirah from school.
God, make tomorrow easier.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It's not all the time that I get all lovey dovey.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Boy or Girl Driver?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Geylang Curse
I guess Geylang and me, we are just not meant to be.
Every year, the same month, the bet with my family will be on. I'll end up talking big. Serve me right, today, I stumbled on my words.
Halfway through the bazaar under the scorching sun, my knees gave way and I passed out. In the middle of the crowd. No, I'm not embarrassed. This isn’t something I am not accustomed to.
If I don't faint in Geylang in the mid-afternoon during the fasting month, I'm not Nadz.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
F-u-c-k-i-n-g S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y
Ok, so sis, you're the sweetest today. Ok, my time's up. Like I could only use this shit for 10 pathetic minutes. God, save me already.
*Hello! Hannah here! Teehee!*

Thanks for being a stranger.
Thanks for the smile.
Thanks for being an amazing friend.
Thanks for all the corny and cold jokes.
Thanks for being a wonderful bestfriend.
Thanks for your friendly love and understanding though you emphasised so much that your love was a different kind of love. It didn't matter, no?
Thanks for being my boyfriend for 2 years.
Thanks for the rollercoaster ride, the tears and the laughters.
Thanks for being a jerk, an asshole, bastard, just name it.
Thanks for being my fucktard ex-boyfriend.
Thanks for the assurance that you'll always be by my side. Yes, you've proven it. 6 years and still counting.
Thanks for the unecessary fights. Please take note. You're not my boyfriend any longer.
And lastly, thanks for your never-ending and unconditional love.
I love you,, bestfriend.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Mum, I beg to differ.
Every morning at 6am, Mum would come into Hann's room and then mine to wake us up for prayer. It's been like this since Ramadhan started, like I so know what's gonna happen next. Admit it, when it comes to this, you'd just be saying, "I don't care. I wanna sleep."
I'd sigh when I hear the creaking of Hann's bedroom door. And Mum would ask that 11 year old brat, "You wanna wake up for prayer?" What a question. Then I'll hear footsteps towards my door. I'd just wish those footsteps take forever so I can have my sleep.
Mum, ask me the same thing you asked Hann. I would very much say no. Tsk.
I'm ashamed of myself. Call me a Muslim.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Bestfriends are richer than chocolates.
I hear the voices of my legs pleading just to give them a break. I wish I could. Shopping with Dee? I supposed that's so not going to happen. Dee, no matter how much torture you put me through just now, I'd never stop loving you.
And the saying goes about how opposites attract.
J keeps ranting about how small he looks despite that sapau/fat (whatever you want to call it) body he has.
And on the other end, me, who keeps ranting about how big my thighs are despite the hundreds who've been assuring me my thighs are perfectly proportional. Tsk.
Oh well, so that pretty explains.
So, how? Geylang tomorrow with Mum.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Only you, Secret, have the ability.
Just so you don't know, I am not yours. So, there's no need for the hourly calls, the whole day of texting just to make sure I am fine. If you forgot, I am 19. Plus, not even my boyfriend or my parents check on me every single hour. I know that you care but it annoys me when I had to silent my phone and off the vibration mode just to avoid your calls. It is really, getting on my nerves already. I hate the fact that you never stop preaching about my dressing, my lifestyle, my type of friends and the tiny harmless things that I do. I don't know how to put it to you, but in simple layman terms, "Fuck off."
Because it has come to a point where, I'd say "Fuck" when I see your name on my handphone screen.
xoxo, Nadz.