I love and miss these people. There's no need to hide, no need to deny.
1) Joel. I love you boyfriend. Thank you for all these years.
2) Dee. Bestfriend, thank you for your love. I never stop loving you.
3) Ama. Bestfriend, stay strong. We're always here for you. I really love you.
4) Sya. Though it's only a year plus, I really treasure you. Love you darling. Stay strong.
5) Haikel. Bestfriend, I love you. I'm sorry I've never been there for you.
6) Zakir. It's been years. I really love you. You make me smile friend.
7) Khai. I don't know what to say to you. I miss you.
8) Oli, you've always been here for me. Every single day, you'd look me up. Thank you. I love you.
9) Fessie. Come back to Singapore already! I want your hug.
10) Stanven. You big head. Never fail to make me smile.
11) Fit. Bro, we drifted apart. I just want you to know I really miss you.