Thursday, December 22, 2011
I cried for far too long.
They have no idea how much I cried just because I don't look pretty like my friends.
Everyone has secrets.
Love nad
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Pride oh so thin
As of now, I'm balancing on a strand of thread.
It's okay if it's a joke but I still need to survive.
Love nad
Friday, September 23, 2011

This has nothing to do with me, as of now, in case all of you are wondering. The boyfriend and I are doing really really well. :) I just came across this beautiful quote on facebook and I thought it'd be nice to have it here.
Sometimes I forget that friendships are fragile. I am tired of being nice.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Beautiful heart cracks
love nad
Friday, September 2, 2011
I know I am a little bit too late but it's better late than never. ;) I have been contemplating on posting a Raya post on the first day itself but I've been feeling too lazy lately. (I have a few unfinished drafts in my dashboard waiting to be published so that really explains how lazy I am at this point.)
Here's my Grandpa Joe and Grandma Na'esah. They can never get cheesy in front of us children (explains the formal shot) and it amuses me every time they blush when they're coaxed to act all mushy and cheesy in front of the camera.

My nuclear family. :) I am so blessed and thankful my family is back to normalcy. We overcame the rough journey, we endured and stood by one another. One important lesson that we've learnt, no matter how imperfect we are as a family, we are nothing without each other.

A colourful spectrum of my uncles, aunts and cousins. We are not of a huge family but Joe's family is wild enough (in a good way of course) to bring one whole block down.

My cousins and I. I am the oldest in the bunch. Boooo to that. I've always wished for an older brother or a sister because being the eldest can be burdensome at times. You are always expected to be at your best behaviour, do very well in your studies and the list goes on, really! All for one reason; you lead the rest.

My wonderful aunts, uncles and cousins from my dad's side. I am a lot closer to my mum's side but we are still close in one way or another. Besides, what is life without family? :)

I can never get over these two sweethearts. They are really cute, especially when they are engrossed in their baby talk.

Honestly speaking, I was disappointed at myself for not putting in any effort in dolling myself up. When I stand beside pretty, dolled up girls, my heart just gave way. A little bit too dramatic but that is exactly how I feel every time my self esteem is on the line. Sigh.
The weekend is here and the family has planned on Raya visitings on both days already. I AM LAZY to even think of dolling up but I'd definitely put in extra effort or you'd find me ranting again. :)

Lots of love
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Chins up and pull yourself together.
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low, and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but do not quit
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things go wrong that you must not quit
We can never run away from the ups and downs of life. Always keep this in mind. When you are happy, always be thankful for the precious moments. When you are down, fret not. Have faith in yourself and instead of giving yourself reasons why you can't, give yourself reasons why you can.
love nad
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I'm legal.
This year itself has been tottery. My mum was diagnosed with cancer, my family was encountering financial difficulties and that alone, was huge enough to bring me down. Thankfully, everything has subside now and I can only thank God for it. How true when they say tragedies always brings a family closer. I definitely second to that.
I have always lived my life with ease, without problems for I know I have my parents to deal with those. I took advantage of that fact until it struck me really hard when I learnt I was at risk of losing the most special person in my heart; my mum. Just this year alone, I've learnt the true meaning of faith. The firm faith I had in my mum's recovery and my faith in God's doings and blessings. Now that I am 21, I have become a stronger person and someone who makes life worth living.
My 21st party was well spent on a fantastic weekend, together with all my friends and loved ones. I celebrated my 21st with my girlfriend, Chantelle, and if you ask me, I have no regrets by doing so. Our party was held at a plush North Indian restaurant (I LOVE INDIAN FOOD) and it costs around $1k. Thankfully, the cost was divided and that gave me a little breathing space. The party was really amazing, with really really good food (the Naan was scrumptious!), an awesome company of friends plus Chantelle and I were really treated like princesses so I really shouldn't whine on forking out too much money.
On a negative note, my mum was disturbed by some of my 'friends' who did not turn up for my party, let alone RSVP. Let's just put it this way. I wouldn't want to act all high school and bitchy about this whole thing because only God knows what their reasons are. Besides, I have no rights over their lives and attending my party is really their choice. Their absence did not really matter to me but that definitely drew a line between the true and phony friends I have.
I better stop the rantings or you'd find me bitchy. I shall let the pictures do the talking then. :)
I proudly say I did this banner! Chantelle did the heart cutting and I finished off the rest. It was a last minute work (I woke up early before the party to finish this off) so pardon my workmanship. :) The restaurant had an enchanting background and we found it really cute to hang the banner in between the men.
Chantelle; she who lent me a shoulder when I cry, who shared my joy with me, watch me fail and succeed, bring me up when I fall. She is everything I could ask for. She cancelled her study trip to Scotland and now that I have her with me, I can't wait for school to start! :D
My beloved family came and I was really touched by their presence. :')
We specially ordered our cake in a shape of a key. 'The key to freedom' as I like to call it. It was a cake from Swensens and you know how delicious their ice-cream cakes are.
Here we are with our love ones. :) The crowd wanted us to exchange kisses, yeah, I get it, R21? Hahaha. Well, we suck at being all cheesy in front of people so here is a decent picture of us four.

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Words and letters.
How do you want them to look at you?
Where am I?
Who am I really?
Because, I, for one reason, lost my identity.
love nad
Friday, August 12, 2011
Pause and play.

I really hope these two love birds last forever, though I have striked 'forever' out of my dictionary. I've always wanted to grow up with my partner together, go through high school, polytechnic and climbing the career ladder together. I've failed the first time, but now that I'm with Ashiq, I'm giving my all to make it work.
My boyfriend once said, everyone has to experience a major heart break before having the right one. You make mistakes in the past relationship, you learn and make the current relationship a better one. I've always loved when he gives words of wisdom because most of the time, I find him hilariously annoying. I think I should emphasize on the word, ANNOYING. Though I can't deny, it is when he annoys me that I love him the most. :)
I've been wearing the princess hairband a bit too frequent now. I find myself too boring without it but with it, it made me extremely self conscious, especially when I received stares from strangers. Sigh. I am having girl problems. I want to look pretty but I don't even know where to start. My girlfriend said I should start living with the quote, "Loving yourself makes every part of you beautiful." Well, easy said than done huh?

My love bought me a jumpsuit for my birthday. :) It is costly for a jumpsuit (I've been contemplating in buying it for months) but my boyfriend bought it anyway! I'm definitely wearing it at my party come next weekend. :D

Monday, August 8, 2011
Dear Mr Genie, now that I'm turning 21..grant me my wishes.

Save money, save money, save money........
love nad
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Keep it together.
Friday, July 29, 2011
A sudden, lengthy post.

Ashiq and I constantly missed and longed for each other on weekdays. Being away from him gives me time to have a reflection of myself. I've always loved the short breaks in between classes, where I'd find myself in the office, scribbling a mindmap of my life on little pieces of paper I could find.

So, I have points 1, 2 and 3 settled. I've got a year left in Uni and I'd definitely give my all to get my Honors. I managed to get a scholarship from the Singapore Retailers Association (a tough fight because only 9 out of 30 got chosen) and since then, my future does not seem so bleak. I've attained a management position with my sponspored company and their offer does not disappoint me after a few negotiations. Once I sign the contract next Tuesday, I'd be a management trainee upon graduation. The thought of entering the real world really excites me but I'm pretty sure there are a lot of sacrifices to be made, especially in my relationship with my boyfriend. We've talked things out and of course, being an understanding boyfriend as he is, he is supporting me in achieving my goal.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sweet lullaby
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Toast to love.

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our birthdays are coming and we've planned for a combined birthday party. We got all hyped up on the planning and went to the extent of borrowing a pen from a stranger. We penned down our thoughts on a piece of serviette (credit to Starbucks). It was pretty embarrassing. That aside, I know it's best to have an individual party since it's a special 21st but I don't mind a bit to have it with Chantelle. We often question ourselves our titles in our friendship and despite the numerous titles, we'd go back to square one. We're not bestfriends, not close friends but just friends who care deeply for each other. I have an apprehensive uneasiness on the idea of friends forever or friends with titles and we often stumbled when people ask if we're bestfriends. Whatever the title is, I'm thankful for the friendship we have built these years.
Girlfriend aside, the ex-boyfriend whom my boyfriend loathe so much called recently. I'm terribly bothered by it because it does nothing but havoc to my relationship with my Ashiq. It's been five years now, but things haven't change a bit. His doings still haunt me. Five years and I'm still not over the pain. I am not and will not get over it. I hate sharing about him but this is a crucial part of how I came to be the person I was when I met Ashiq. Reliving this memory scares me because I'm aware love never lasts forever. Whatever it is, I'm willing to go through this journey with Ashiq.
I love you :)
love nad
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Good but bad.
I'm so glad my sister is not like me at all because if she is, I have millions to worry about. The last thing I want from my sister is her to follow my footsteps. Seriously, if I could turn back time, I'd really change every little bit of me. From the uneccessary hang outs with friends whom have not bring me to any good, the unneccessary scoldings from my parents, the countless times my parents had to confiscate my phone just because I have a boyfriend.....really, the list goes on. I wouldn't call myself a rebel because I still obeyed my parents but certainly went against them at some points of life. My point is, notice the number of 'unneccassaries' I just stated.
Mum always say I'd be in NUS or NTU now if I have been studying diligently, heading back home straight after school, not mixing with the wrong group of friends and avoiding whatever that's not bringing me any success back when I was in high school. Well, I am not sure about the whole NUS and NTU thing because I loathe studying, very very much. I am only doing it for the sake of my future.
Come to think of it, I do not have any regrets about the mistakes I did. Because for one reason, I felt those mistakes are the reasons for who I am today. I fell, stood back up proving myself I can be better than who I used to be. Though I really must admit, I'd be in a local university now if I hadn't misbehave back then but oh well, I enjoyed my youth. That's what matters as of now (I really am comforting myself).
Now that I'm turning 21 and have yet to step into the world of 'heavy partying and clubbing', people do look at me differently. It really bothers me at times but I guess at the end of the day, realizing partying doesn't bring me any good sure help me in turning down the party offers. Sigh. Though I really want to have a taste of partying badly, guess that has to wait once I graduate from Uni next year. Then again, as I grew older, I realized my mindset has changed tremendously. I'd rather spend my days travelling than clubbing and getting wasted while jeopardizing my dignity. I don't know, I was just thinking.
Oh well, here's to maturity.
love nad
Friday, July 8, 2011
A little bit too much.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Let it roll.
Saturday was well spent with my lovely boyfriend. Shopping with the family on a Sunday really ended my week beautifully. I am pleased with what I bought; a Ted Baker dress, a Desigual dress (specially for the boyfriend who's madly in love with Desigual) and a pair of sandals from Forever 21. There were plenty of good deals I had trouble making a decision. Mum was such a sweetheart. She entertained my antics, shop to shop even though she wasn't as strong as before. She too, has been fulfilling her shopping desires. Not forgetting my annoying little sister who was ecstatic when Mum bought her dresses from Zara.
Sunday, July 3, 2011

He is a beautiful cliche, tall, dark and handsome with the eyes of an angel and the heart of a saint and he is a cliche because he is a boy and he doesn't realise I'm madly and insanely in love with him.
love nad
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The ceremony of words that patched my misery.
Congratulations! On behalf of the Singapore Retailers Association, Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and SPRING Singapore, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that you have been awarded the National Retail Scholarship 2011.
This scholarship will cover two years' tuition fees of your BA (Hons) in Retail Marketing course, 70% of which will be borne by WDA and SPRING Singapore, and the remaining 30% to be borne by your sponsor company. In addition, you will be provided a stipend of $19,200 (or $800 per month) to be paid out in 2 instalments, while you complete your degree course. Please note that you will have to serve a 2 years bond with your sponsor company upon graduation.
Finally, I clinched the scholarship! Days and nights of praying and that little faith I held on after I realized I screwed up big time in the last interview. Thank you God for you've enlightened my worries. Dad doesn't have to worry about my school fees and I do not have to slog so hard to satisfy my monthly shopping addictions cause with the $800, I literally can shop till I drop. Well of course, I'd not let the money flow rapidly. Thinking like a 21 year old should, the money shall be in my savings account for my rainy days. While I proudly say money is my least concern (just cause Dad told me I didn't have to worry about money at all), I'm more ecstatic about the bond. I'm on my way in achieving my goals, to be a buyer, merchandiser or a marketing director for fashion industries. I am really thankful to my parents, my favourite boy, my lovely girls; Ania, Chantelle and Sya for their encouragement and blessings. They are the reason for where I am today, to have achieve something that brought me nearer to my dream.
Another great news. Mum went for her scanning yesterday and we were all overjoyed upon hearing her recovery from cancer. God, I don't know how else to thank you but I'll repay you, though I'm not a stringent Muslim (I'm still trying). Indeed, this tragedy is a blessing in disguise for I've found true friends (at which I've eliminated those pretentious ones), giving the boyfriend a chance to show what he's worth to the family (I proudly say my boy is part of the family now) and lastly, this test from God which brought me to a higher level of maturity. I am now stronger, emotionally and physically, well just cause I'm left with no other options except to stay strong.
For that one special boy I'm really in love with, who stood by me through my ups and downs, received me in open arms, kissed me on the forehead and assured me everything would be fine, I really love you Ashiq. I'm the luckiest girl to have you and I promise I'd love you unconditionally.
I am so glad this is all over and my family's back to normalcy. Time for smiles love, bury your sorrows away.
love nad
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Breathe in the different air.
Oh yes, I'm back. I realized I haven't been loyal to this space, thanks to tumblr, and because I was at a point in my life where my thoughts didn't really matter. While I find it compulsory to blog every minute of my life in detail in the yesteryears, I now feel that I lack vocabulary nor the patience to write about what I feel. Back in the years, I'd be enthralled, carried away by my thoughts, filling up the empty pages of my diary. My stories were real, some memorable while some allowed me to drown in my fears even up till date.
Well, I'm finally back. And happier than ever.I feel a lot more driven these days, and there's a different air about me. I don't write my posts for anyone but myself. Welcome back love.
love nad
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Nothing else...
I can't tell you how thankful I am to have you cause the list will never end.
love nad
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I'd love to run away. Far from everything. I didn't think I got it. I'm trying hard to keep the little faith left in me to keep me breathing. I'm dealing the rejection pretty well but the parents' not helping in any bit. Yea, Mum, Dad, sure I'm keeping my faith, but if I don't get it, it's not the end of my world at least right? Let it go already.
Getting rejected equates to more worries. In money sense, I'm pretty much screwed. Really, I have no idea how. The long walk I took which I thought would be of a great help in my thinking backfired me. I got disturbed by immatured annoying boys who certainly didn't have any respect for girls. Totally made my day worse.
If saying 'Fuck it' helps, I wouldn't mind chanting it the whole day. God, I'm not giving up but at least, give me a glimpse of hope.
To you; A, I really wish I'm on the phone with you now. Just when I need you the most, you're not here.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I don't have my say.
Monday, June 13, 2011
My favourite boy.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
That time of the year, again.
I should prolly start living my days with my favourite boy's quote;
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I'm still awake at such an unearthly hour. My head still throbs like a motherfucker despite the 2 pills I've already popped in. Prolly must be the pressure of the interview. Sigh. It's so annoying when something doesn't go your way. I smoked my way through the interview earlier and I'm so sure I didn't do my best. Well, I just have to leave it that way. If it's meant to be mine, then it shall be. We shall just live with that.
On a brighter note, the boy and I are having our anniversary date tomorrow. We spell LION KING. Yup, you saw it. Gonna catch the 8pm show. Hope tomorrow will be a great day for us since we were on the rocks for the past week.
love nad
Monday, April 18, 2011
Times are hard but you kept me going.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
My story.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Open chapters and closed.
For years, I've been waiting for that someone to help me forget you completely. And I've found him. I should prolly thank you because, if not for you, I'd never find someone like him.
Ashiq took over your place and he's here to stay. I'm sorry to say but he is the best.
love nad
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Who do you think I am, seriously?
Mum and Dad are a pain in my ass.
Bf's not helping me a bit. I had my facebook invaded, him getting upset over trivial things and being the typical me, trying so hard to make things right. I seriously am, trying so hard, to be the perfect girlfriend. But you know, fuck it, really. I am done.
I'll do whatever I want, without anyone stopping me. I shall lose my limits and have myself say,
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Caught up.
Lalalalalalalala, I'm still in love with A. Always will, nothing will change.
love nad