It has now become a norm that Saturdays are spent with families or friends. The last time I spent my Saturday alone with the boyfriend was......(I swear I can't recall). People say it brings no good to a relationship if you haven't had a private date with your partner for long. Well, as much as I want a private time with my boyfriend sometimes, I personally prefer having company. So true to the saying, 'the more, the merrier'. It never fails to excite me every weekend.
Just last Saturday, I had a shopping spree with my cousin, Zakir. That's his girlfriend, right there.

I really hope these two love birds last forever, though I have striked 'forever' out of my dictionary. I've always wanted to grow up with my partner together, go through high school, polytechnic and climbing the career ladder together. I've failed the first time, but now that I'm with Ashiq, I'm giving my all to make it work.
My boyfriend once said, everyone has to experience a major heart break before having the right one. You make mistakes in the past relationship, you learn and make the current relationship a better one. I've always loved when he gives words of wisdom because most of the time, I find him hilariously annoying. I think I should emphasize on the word, ANNOYING. Though I can't deny, it is when he annoys me that I love him the most. :)
I've been wearing the princess hairband a bit too frequent now. I find myself too boring without it but with it, it made me extremely self conscious, especially when I received stares from strangers. Sigh. I am having girl problems. I want to look pretty but I don't even know where to start. My girlfriend said I should start living with the quote, "Loving yourself makes every part of you beautiful." Well, easy said than done huh?

My love bought me a jumpsuit for my birthday. :) It is costly for a jumpsuit (I've been contemplating in buying it for months) but my boyfriend bought it anyway! I'm definitely wearing it at my party come next weekend. :D