Thursday, February 16, 2012

Expectations that kill.

So Valentine's Day is finally over. :) I must say it's entertaining to see Valentine's photos and status updates on my newsfeed. Some, showing off what their partners had in store for them, while a handful ranting about not receiving anything from their partners. And of course, not forgetting the remaining few, whining about how 'forever alone' they are.

At the end of the day, I had friends grumbling to me about not receiving any presents from their partners. I am not on anyone's side but as a girl myself, I tend to expect a lot from the boyfriend. And as much as you have your girls telling you not to set any expectations, you ignored them all instead. For this, I am so glad the boyfriend and I decided not to make a big huha on this very day cause who knows, if we did, I might be one of those girls grumbling about disappoinment.

Then again, are girls to be blamed? I'm afraid that's a definite no. For one reason, these boys used to, and I literally mean USED TO go all out to impress us girls. Rewind your memory, go back to the very first date you had with your boyfriend. He'd surprise you with flowers, dinner at posh restaurants, and even splurge on you on their very last bits of money. He would go all out to win your heart, even to the extent of folding hundreds of paper hearts. Three years down the road, reality check. None of this at all.

He won your heart but ooops, you got tricked instead. The boy who you think is really really sweet and would fold paper hearts for you is not who you think he is. He is just a boy, like any other Tom, Dick and Harry out there who make mistakes, tries so hard to be perfect but instead, creates more mess. You get really upset and mad because he just doesn't do what he used to do. That extra effort he used to put in to make you feel special and now that it has been years, the boy just forgets that you still need to be showered with love, care and concern.

The painful truth is, we girls expect too much from our boyfriends. I do that alot too and trust me, it is really unhealthy. I'd be lying if I say my relationship is perfect. We've been through hell but thank god, we made it through. I must say I've been disappointed in the boyfriend a million times. I have myself to blame because I expected too much. But sympathy on my part, you have no idea how my boy can be so ignorant at times that you literally feel like killing him. But reliving those memories again, it made me smile because it's his flaws that make him special. Despite those flaws that he possesses, he still makes an AMAZING boyfriend. :))

In a nutshell, I guess we got to constantly remind ourselves that there is no such thing as perfection. Humans can never ever be sweet and perfect all the time you know. So, slow down on your expectations. No one is perfect. My boyfriend is not perfect, I don't think I am perfect for him too and that's sad. :( But that aside, I guess it's really crucial that we accept each others' flaws and most importantly, accept the fact that his world doesn't revolve around you. A little bit too harsh but accept it, that's the only way to prevent yourself from the disappointment. This is a reminder to me too cause at times, I tend to forget that my boyfriend has a life and is human afterall. :)

Life is too short to be unhappy. Treasure those moments and make the best out of everything! :)

love nad