Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have a mouth and when you go beyond my limits, I'm not afraid to use it.

For a start,FUCK to everyone who's been pressing on me for time. Really. Just so you know, I am fucking tired of telling people, I'm busy. 2 weeks of holiday sounds short enough. And to be reminded, projects and studying should be in the list. When I say I'm busy, I fucking mean it. So don't you go around saying I'm lying or saying I've forgotten you. If you do, fuck you very very much.

Second, let me tell you this. I don't have much time to spend with my boyfriend and it's not everytime that we hang out together. So, if you're a fucking jerk, by all means, be mad at me for not spending time with you. And out of these 14 days of holidays, we only have 3 days to ourselves. Fair much?!

Third, I'll be nice and say not only my friends who's been acting mean lately. J's friends are bitches too. I hate it when I have to fight with my boyfriend's friends to spend time with him. So, as you can see, everyone's being a bitch here and not letting us to spend time together. Seriously, fuck off. Stop assuming we are like other couples who go for movies after school or do sleepover. We DON'T. On normal schooling days, my boyfriend either works or gym. So there, see?! It's not everytime that we are together.

And of course, the most important thing ever. I have a family. They need their share of me. Booooo me if I'm not one of you who doesn't spend time with your families.

Now fuck off, coz I'm tired entertaining each and every one of your antics.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I can't control this anger.

Heartbroken.....just a little.
And I bit his cheeks.

Monday, December 28, 2009


J says, "I love my baby, Nadzirah."

And it's not everytime that I hear that from him.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My 9 years old cousin, Ryan.

"Kak Nadzra. I give you one joke. What is corn and neck when you join them together?"

Never ever underestimate kids' intelligence.

Awesome Sunday we had. Today was grandparents' 51st anniversary.
So Atok treated all of us to this fancy restaurant for the anniversary dinner.
51 years. Amazing.
Pictures not with me. Booooo.

J's the Sex! ;)

This guy here rocks my world. Love you J.

Even they do ;) Teehee. Super love.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Photographer.

"I miss you so badly. Your scent, your hair. It's longer. Now you look like one true emo rock dude. Just how I like it. That shirt I got you, do you still wear it? I miss playing with your DSLR, you taking shots of me. Us killing time puffing what you call, fags, at Railway Mall. Your torn shoes, your ZARA jeans I've always wanted. Why do you have to leave my dear friend? So much for saying, "Never a day will I leave you."

You're always online. I check on you all the time. I know you do the same. Jason told me. But, no way am I talking to you first. Get that. And I know, ego plus ego. It never works.

Friday, December 25, 2009

I'll stop with J.

On Christmas, I got to meet J.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mum, you're just @#$%^&*()*&^%$

So, I'm spending the eve of Christmas, at home. Yea, when I am definitely supposed to be at a Christmas party with my lovely boyfriend, J, on our anniversary. Yes, you saw it. And here I am, typing this pathetic shit, AT HOME.

And of course, it has been a wonderful 1 year 8 months.
J, I love you.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Who'd expect?

And so I spent my midnight with my lovely baby J.
Come 24th, I'll give you my biggest kiss.
20 months. Still counting.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Don't believe? Give me time Baby.

"Baby, I'll make sure I'll get there. And you'll look up to me."

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I really miss the boyfriend.

"Baby, if only I could give you $1 million, I'd want you to stay by my side 24/7 and not go to work."

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Girls and their lingos.

Girl : Baby, don't you think we are drifting apart? Like we spent very little time together? I'm bored. You're always busy and I always hang out with my friends instead of you.

Boy : Drifting apart? I thought we are doing fine.

What the girl really means..................

"I'm cheating on you."

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm ___________________.

One of those days I discovered something new about myself.
And that shall be my darkest secret.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Messed Up.

She marked me down. I kept quiet. She felt bad. But that wasn't the point.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

IB. Fuck you very much.

I've wasted my weekends away. Neither did I study nor project.

Instead, Marina Square for Saturday.

And for Sunday, met the crazy bunch for dinner at Lau Pa Sat and then drop by Clarke Quay to meet the Clarke Quay boys till midnight. My blog's timing kinda screwed. 3 hours earlier that is. So don't mind that please.

Ash asked me to be a flight stewardess upon graduation. With my complexion like this, fat hope.

International Business report now. Ass.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ok, you gotta love Friday.

Thank god it's Friday. I deserve a good rest. Good night world.

M have asked me to be his partner for his friend's wedding. I don't know. I'm still tired.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

When my expectations exceed your performance.

You gotta learn the word initiative.
I'm not happy with you.
At the end of the day, it's others I rely my happiness on.

Never your name.
You're a bitch.

Home at mid night.
Slacked at Clarke Quay.
He, damaging his lungs slowly.
Accompanied me for a smoke, and then his friends.
I smoke. 5 sticks.
I don't give a fuck you bitch.

When anger takes over me.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Do you think J feel the same way?

M said, "Babe, you rock my world."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Boyfriend's Jerome.

I thought Grandma was ultra cute when she asked,

"Are you still together with Jerome?"
I said "Who's Jerome? I'm with Joel. You got the wrong J."

Monday, December 7, 2009


Mon, 7 Dec.
Human Resource Management

Wed, 9 Dec.
Buying and Merchandise Management

Fri, 11 Dec.
Personal Selling and Negotiation Skills

I am screwed for this week coz let's see, Monday's down. Spent my weekend mugging for Human Resource. Bloody tired so no way I'm mugging for BMM. Leave that for Tuesday. Speaking of Tuesday, I'll be lunch-ing with J and then head to town for shopping with Mum, Aunt and Grandma. My priority list at this point of time is so wrong but I've always had problems with priorities.

So, mugging for BMM tomorrow night then. And after which, on Wed itself, I'll chiong on my Personal Selling for submission on Friday. Let's see. NO hanging out on Wed and Thur. And we'll see if I mean it. Tsk.

Mon, 14 Dec.
Retail Store Visual Merchandising

Thur, 17 Dec.
Mall Management and Marketing

And so I shall spend my weekend, (again!) on mugging. 6 lectures. Boooo to that. I foresee I'd chiong on projects for the week. And of course, last minute mugging for Mall Management.

Ok, so there, Last Minute's my middle name.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nadz is not available.

Singapore, I'd be out of reach.
Much love.
J, I miss you.
Why is Saturday never a boyfriend day.

Friday, December 4, 2009

No one can beat J.

That chinese malay boy gave me a wake up call at 7 this morning. Speaking of which, we stopped talking since he got to know I'm back with J, or prolly I think, it's more to he went MIA and I have no idea why he suddenly called. Boys and their antics. Freaking bitch, my class starts at 11 and I was wondering why I was wide awake at 7. Reason he called, he misses me. At 7am. Screw yourself man. God.

Elish got to know about him calling me and she got all excited. And I'm wondering why I felt NOTHING. Yeah, I can't deny he has got super good looks (he's a model) and looked rich but..still, I don't feel a thing. No tingling feeling, no excitement that he's tall, and has nice features and looked like what I'd always wanted back then.

Sounds like the perfect guy? Prolly to other girls out there but not me. My wants on the perfect guy has been fulfilled. His features, his dressing, what he has done for me and his smile, fulfilled by a boy I had met last April.

J. Ng.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Politics. You don't have to vote.

When there's politics within your clique, and you're left to choose between her and the other her, it's really uncool.

And when you gotta choose between the 'cool' and the 'nerd', which side do you go to?

Oh well, let's just put it this way. Count me out. I'm on NO sides.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

And how I crave for you.

I haven't had my weekly dosage of Mcdonald. I'm feeling all lethargic without it. Been living on tomatoes, apples, oranges, lots of vegetables and gallons of plain water (pretty exaggerating) for the past one week and that sure explains how desperate I am on having a good complexion.

Let's just give myself a break. One day will do. Mcdonald tomorrow! With J and Marcus. Can I have Nuggets meal, Mcspicy meal, Big Mac meal, and .... oh ya. The Avatar thingy! I'll have that too! :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

When you fall, it's your parents who help you through. Not with words, but with action.

Today, my parents invested $1000 at Adonis and that, planted the hope in me. And if my complexion's not getting any better, I shall........