Monday, December 7, 2009


Mon, 7 Dec.
Human Resource Management

Wed, 9 Dec.
Buying and Merchandise Management

Fri, 11 Dec.
Personal Selling and Negotiation Skills

I am screwed for this week coz let's see, Monday's down. Spent my weekend mugging for Human Resource. Bloody tired so no way I'm mugging for BMM. Leave that for Tuesday. Speaking of Tuesday, I'll be lunch-ing with J and then head to town for shopping with Mum, Aunt and Grandma. My priority list at this point of time is so wrong but I've always had problems with priorities.

So, mugging for BMM tomorrow night then. And after which, on Wed itself, I'll chiong on my Personal Selling for submission on Friday. Let's see. NO hanging out on Wed and Thur. And we'll see if I mean it. Tsk.

Mon, 14 Dec.
Retail Store Visual Merchandising

Thur, 17 Dec.
Mall Management and Marketing

And so I shall spend my weekend, (again!) on mugging. 6 lectures. Boooo to that. I foresee I'd chiong on projects for the week. And of course, last minute mugging for Mall Management.

Ok, so there, Last Minute's my middle name.