Friday, January 6, 2012

Brand new start to a brand new year.

God heard my prayers. Thank you. I know I haven't been updating diligently but hey, spare me. Throughout the last bits of 2011, I have been swamped with loads of mugging for the most dreadful exams in my entire life..dates with friends..bla bla and of course Paris (the best way to end the year). I'd blog about Paris if I'm not lazy, but speaking of lazy, the first week of Jan has passed and I have yet to start on my thesis (at which we were constantly reminded on starting thesis in Dec). I'm sorry I wasted a few minutes of your life and you may close this page.

My point is I've gotten my results and I am so thankful. :) On another note, dear boyfriend has gotten his driving license and of course, that calls for a celebration! :D

Can't wait for weekend <3

love nad