Thursday, January 5, 2012

So it's 2012!

Unbelievable how a year has passed in a blink of an eye. My friends had their resolutions perfectly listed on their spaces, I feel it's a little late for mine now. 2012 is finally here and I'm not sure if I should be all hyped up about it.

2011 has been an amazing ride. Mum had cancer at the beginning of the year and indeed it was a huge blow. It's been a year now but those memories, still carved deeply in my mind. The journey was rough but I'm glad we made it through. I had school to think of, my little sister to care for, and seeing Dad to stress about the costly bills were enough to drain me out. There, I found faith. Faith in God, faith in myself, faith in Dad who stood strong for the family, and most importantly, faith in Mum who fought strong for her life. But of course, I have friends who stood by me, to wipe my tears and convince me everything will be fine. My boyfriend was a sweetheart. He was there for me, and more importantly, for my family. Indeed, he's my pillar of strength and I can never thank him enough. I love you baby.

2011, I turned 21. My party was a blast and it drew a clear line between true friends and the fakers. It was upsetting but the boyfriend made me realised it's really not worth to have friends who stab you in the back. Life moves on and the good things kept coming. I did pretty well in school (semester 1 was a disaster!) and I managed to get a scholarship from the Singapore Retailer's Association. That I must say, was really surprising because I choked on my words throughout the many rounds of interviews. Besides, I had to compete with other students and only 9 got through. Thank you God.

To end such a 'rollercoaster' year, I kept myself occupied with my close friends and that feeling is amazing! Just because I don't go out as often on school days and to have my close friends by my side to end my year, it was beyond perfect.

Had a stroll with John along Orchard Rd just because I'm in love with the Christmas lights, such pretty things <3 It was fun, as always, with non-stop giggling and laughters.

Told Marcus I wanted to play with snow so badly! Well, foam was beautiful enough. :)

Starbucks date with my 2 perfect girls. How pretty and how I envy them. It's amazing how we've all grown from girls to women and we're still in each others' lives. :)

And who could ever forget? My annoying bestfriends whom I love so much. It has been 8 or probably 9 (I suck at Math) years since we've been together. We've changed, had our fights, had our epic moments, laughters, grudges but we're still standing strong. Nothing can ever break us apart <3

And last but not least, my companion <3 My boyfriend looks so good-looking in here :) I don't want to sound cheesy and I know 'You're my best' is really common but heck, that's what couples in love would say right? But just for Ashiq, I am so thankful for your presence and unconditional love. Thank you for all your support and for all the achievements you've made this year, I am really proud of you baby. :)

Now that it's 2012, it's a big year. I'm graduating come June and I can't wait to finally say I'm out of Uni. As for now, I'm so sick of studying. I know I shouldn't even feel sick with books just yet because I still have one final major thesis to work on. I want to travel, to explore, and to live life freely. I feel sorry for myself to poke this fantasy bubble of mine because I have a working bond right after I graduate. Sigh. So much for travelling. :(

Enough of the sighing. I should learn to make the best out of life. So here's to a great year ahead! Happy 2012! :D

love nad