Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I don't want to get over with J.

To me, it only takes one boy to bring 'I love you' to a whole new meaning. And it's only you, J. Other boys say 'I love you.' I don't feel it, I don't want to. Coz those words, I want to hear only from your mouth.

Oh ya, and today, I did what we do best. Lying to surveyors. "My gf's name is Claudia." I wish you were with me just now to fool them. And I miss you whining on how we're mean to fool them. Totally not our fault J, coz it's them who thinks I'm Chinese. We're just having, ummm, fun.

And today, they approached me and said the exact same thing when I told them my real name. "Oh, you're Malay? I thought you're Chinese." And me, being us. "Ya, I'm Chinese. And Malay, and a little bit of Indian. My name's Claudia Nadz Ng." See J? Your surname, it stays with me. Oh well, I wish you were there beside me to laugh it off just like you used to.

I so can't wait to see you tomorrow J! I love you, but this remains my secret.