Saturday, July 18, 2009

Threesome on a Saturday, Rebel when you're down

Sleepless night on a Friday
swollen eyes on a Saturday, too much crying
how heartwrenching
but i'll do fine,
rather than torment myself thinking about you baby
we're going to be fine
we've survived one day of not contacting
i could just pop pills and die

Saturday shouldn't be a sad one
so i threesom-ed
and i must say it was awesome
a lot of flashbacks on how much we hated one another when we were in sec school but how ironic, we got closer as we got older
and yes we talked a lot
what else? love shits of course

Dee's supposed to make her first move to her prince
Ash, to focus on his future
and me, to let go and join the single club
they strongly agree on me letting go of J
i'm on the verge, but i'm too weak

Among us three, i did the most sheesha-ing
at least, i felt a lot better
why not? heavy sheesha-ing and two cans of redbulls
ya ya, i'll be fine

I felt so down
i decided to rebel
and i reached home near 12
i got scolded and then grounded
but for once, it felt so good to get scolded

"I miss you"