Saturday, July 11, 2009

When you're caught in road rage, you never stop saying CIBAI

Today, i had my first road rage
110km/h on the road is freaky enough already
and a group of mother fucking mat motors
had to come into my lane and then slow down
yes, literally slow down, cheebs or what?
i was hurling vulgarities by then coz ya, who wouldn't?
and yes, i stared at them
ok, that was a mistake, oh well, a beautiful one mistake at least
one of them saw and then next thing i knew
they were shouting at one another

damn shit, they slowed down more, now, all of them surrounding me
right, i was stuck in my lane and i couldn't overtake them
knn! ok, and so i realised i got myself into deep shit
suddenly, they did those mat rempit acts and all
like, umm, lifting up the legs, hands off the handle bars
and mind you, they're super fast!
i was pretty worried they might skid and all
but at the same time, i didn't stop cursing they'd just crash and die
they still have the cheek to smile

and obviously, i wouldn't want to lose right?
so i accelerated to get the 'vroooooom' sound and then i horned
i act fierce only but i swear my heart was beating effing fast
well, it ended in a few minutes and i thought i was lucky i got away with it
then again

"Eh, melayu pun nak makan melayu per?